Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Bedroom Decorating Themes

Bedroom decorating themes
Bedroom is more than a place of retreat and relaxing as it is that special confined place which makes you fall in love with this space away from all chaotic worlds. To feel the warmth and coziness of bedroom it is essential to decorate it with different thematic style to reflect your personal style. Today bedroom is not just treated as a place to make out or sleep, thus the word has broadened in other way out. Bedrooms of today are preferred with decorating themes and aesthetic styles and well illuminated with trendy lights.

There are many themes which can be incorporated in a bedroom to decorate it in different style. Some of the best themes preferred by people are contemporary, traditional, and modern and western theme. So go ahead with your own personal style and blend with these mentioned themes to make bedroom a personification of your shadow.

Contemporary theme
* The theme of contemporary is stylish, elegant and especially for the people who love modern designs and follow trends.

* To impart your bedroom contemporary theme, it is better to pick clean and simple line designer furnishings to enhance the décor. This theme makes alterations with painting and coordinating bedding and pillows with modern design.
* contemporary themeContemporary theme uses light accessories and simple with clean line furniture usually made of chrome or metal. Additional decorating items like designer yet simple square flower vase and ethnic painting on wall will add another advantage to this décor.
* Bedrooms incorporating contemporary style considers simple and stylish lighting fixtures especially a chandelier in conjunction with lamps would provide additional beauty to this theme. While fancy lighting fixtures
should not be incorporated in this style décor instead pick chrome ceiling fixture with recessed lighting.
* The key aspect of contemporary theme is the colour of wall which is preferred to be brown, black and tints of white. Neutral colours look best in contemporary theme as they need not to be decorated after paint because the accents do all the decoration themselves.
* To give the real look of contemporary theme to your bedroom try out simple artifacts and artworks like photo frames, and abstract art in order to bring out the original feel.

Western theme 
* Western theme usually combines with pastoral and nature patterns on spread sheets and artifacts so as to provide the bedroom a typical appearance of simple yet stylish décor.
* western theme Crafted miniatures, ceramic cowhands on the dressers and solid coloured bedsheets are the main characteristics furnishings of western decorating theme.
* Western appearance theme consist of colours such as brown, tan, black and other dark shades for the main walls but blended with other neutral colours and accessorized with turquoise or white shade accessories to lit the room bright.
* Rope can be used onto the lamps, wounded on pole lamps or to decorate lampshade edges and stitched to rugs and throw pillow for real western feel. Wooden artwork found on craft stores can be employed on to the walls, hang up stirrups, horse bits, horse whip and cowhides to the walls to feel the real old west.

Engaging in bedroom themes is most interesting task and incorporating these themes can make your bedroom feel like transcending in different world. So try out these exciting themes for your bedroom in order to get real feel of contemporary, traditional and western.

Traditional theme

* Traditional theme for bedroom captures the luxury and comfort by giving classic modern look to the interiors. This kind of décor is embodiment of luxury and comfort thus to provide such aspect it picks warm and bold hues on walls.
* traditional themeIncorporate warm colour scheme such as neutral tones of blue, cream, red, beige and to play down the bold colours pick some warm tints in order to create aesthetically traditional look in bedroom.
* You can additional touch of style with appealing flower vase and photo frames alongside bed and nightstands. Give your furniture
heavy and stuffy look with upholstery and refined furnishings for original traditional appearance.
* Traditional themes keep simple window treatments through cotton or synthetic drapes. Adding blinds to the windows will impart this theme an extra appeal to overall bedroom.

Cool Master Bedroom Interior Design View

Master bedroom with natural green and zen design so interesting and cool. With carpet and cute lighting Muhammad Navaid Abid designs with clear and calm concept.

Teen Girls Bedroom Decorating Ideas

Here are fresh Looking Bedroom Design Ideas,Here Pink,Orange and red Color Bedroom Design these are color very Fomous in Teen Bedroom Decorating.Here are give small space of Bookselving systems for book and CD’s.these Bedroom Look beautiful and fresh teen can sleep properly.

Modern Minimalist Bedroom Interior Design Ideas

Today we Have Posting About Modern Minimalist Bedroom Design,In this Design Bedroom Look usually has a mixture of simple furniture and those out of this world artistically Designed Pieces.In Modern Bedrooms,the Bed is stands one side.In Modern Bedroom Style usually Makes of like platform Beds.Like that new range in Bedroom Design.if you like this bedroom Design Ideas then allow you Bedroom and injoy this Bedroom Design Ideas..
Bedroom Interior Design Ideas


The interior of a Master bed room is special feature of the home since it influences the family and personal life of the owner of the home. The interior of the Master bed room is not same for young couples, middle
aged couple or old aged couple. The interior designer while designing the master bed should keep in mind the age and the mood of the house owner. The age old custom of the influence of the interior designer’s own perception of the interior plays vital role rather than taking into.

consideration the couples priorities.
The conjugal life of the couple od influenced by the interior of the master bed room where the couples spend and plan their personal and family life. The VASTU interior design of the room is influenced the professional occupation of the couples. The master bed room basic ingradients are
a)Colour _ Avoild Yellow colour.
b)Curved patterns in line, shape and forms are preferable.
c)Decorative design is important for good conjugal life
d)Avoid pictures of Gods
The modular bed room concepts give a good choice for picking up interior decoration concepts at economical range.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Inspirasi Kamar Tidur

Agar tidak membosankan, lakukan perubahan di kamar tidur secara berkala. Simak beberapa ide kamar tidur utama dan kamar tidur anak yang sangat inspiratif berikut ini. Sebagian besar penghuni rumah, menjadikan kamar tidurnya sebagai tempat paling nyaman dan disukai.

Sepulang bekerja atau melakukan berbagai rutinitas seharian, pasti tubuh dalam kondisi lelah. Tempat tidurlah yang menjadi pilihan utama mereka untuk melepas penat. Jika suasana kamar tidur nyaman, ruangannya luas, dan terang, tentu bisa mengubah mood sang penghuni menjadi lebih baik usai melepas lelah.
"Kamar tidur yang baik idealnya harus memenuhi syarat udara dan cahaya yang baik. Artinya, ada udara untuk bernapas saat tidur dan ada ventilasi. Lalu, adanya bukaan jendela yang cukup agar cahaya atau sinar matahari bebas masuk di pagi hari," papar Ir. Ina Rachmawati dari I'nA house, seraya menyarankan, sebaiknya air conditioner (AC) jangan dipasang di kamar tidur. "Jika harus memasang AC, setiap 6 bulan sekali harus dibersihkan. Jika tidak, akan ada jamur yang bisa menimbulkan penyakit."
Di dalam sebuah rumah, kamar tidur biasanya terbagi ke dalam dua jenis. Pertama, kamar tidur utama untuk orangtua. Kedua, kamar tidur untuk anak. Tak jarang pula, penghuni rumah melakukan berbagai kegiatan di dalam kamar tidurnya. Misalnya, kamar anak dijadikan sekaligus tempat belajar dan bermain. Atau, kamar tidur utama dijadikan tempat bekerja, menonton teve, bahkan tak jarang dilengkapi kamar mandi. Bukan hal asing pula jika kamar tidur utama dijadikan ruang penyimpanan barang-barang berharga.
Namun, saran Ina, sebaiknya teve tak diletakkan di kamar tidur anak. Sebab, hal ini bisa membuat sang anak menjadi memiliki sifat yang individualistis dan enggan bersosialisasi dengan teman-temannya. "Jika ada teve, orangtua juga jadi tak bisa memantau kegiatan anak. Sebaiknya, kamar tidur anak memang dipakai hanya untuk tidur," tegasnya lagi.
Agar terasa lebih lengkap dan fungsional, biasanya lemari pakaian pun diletakkan di kamar tidur. Bahkan, tak jarang kamar tidur yang berukuran luas, dilengkapi walk in closet (kamar khusus berganti pakaian). Dengan walk in closet, kamar memang akan tampak lebih rapi dan indah. Tetapi, jika ruangan kamar tidur berukuran kecil, sebaiknya jangan memaksakan diri membuat walk in closet, yang hanya akan membuat ruangan semakin terlihat sesak.
Di salah satu kamar tidur utama yang berukuran luas ini (gambar a) menggunakan walk in closet bernuansa cokelat. "Ranjang pengantinnya berwarna cokelat tua. Karena warnanya sudah gelap, nuansa walk in closet dan perabot lainnya pun mengikuti. Warna cokelat memang sedang in dan terlihat mewah saat diaplikasikan di kamar," tutur Ina.
Agar suasana kamar tak terlalu gelap, Ina menambahkan cermin di sepanjang lemari pakaian berwarna cokelat tua ini. Warna-warna kalem seperti cokelat atau krem, lanjut Ina, bisa dijadikan pilihan untuk memulas dinding kamar tidur utama. Sementara, warna terang seperti oranye, merah, atau biru bisa dipalikasikan di kamar tidur anak.
Seperti yang tampak di kamar anak milik Pamela (4) yang bernuansa ceria ini (gambar b), dipilih cat dinding oranye dan putih. "Anak perempuan tidak selalu identik dengan pink. Dengan warna lain pun, tetap bisa terlihat cantik, kok." Warna oranye pun, imbuh Ina, cukup banyak digemari dan bisa bertahan lama.
Selain dua kamar tadi, kamar lain pun bisa dijadikan inspirasi ide. Seperti kamar tidur bernuansa cokelat muda ini (gambar c) yang unik ini. Lemari pakaian dan meja riasnya sengaja diposisikan di balik tempat tidur. Pembatasnya dari kaca yang dipasang vertikal dari bawah hingga menyentuh langit-langit. Sementara, kamar tidur anak yang didominasi warna pink (gambar d) pasti disukai anak perempuan. Kelambu di atas ranjang membuat suasana kamar bak istana Sang Puteri Tidur.

Kamar idaman untuk anak-anak

Ini adalah kamar idaman untuk anak-anak, semoga bisa jadi ide ya..
Kamar buat anak Cewe karena Pinky
Kamar ini Kayanya cocok buat anak cowo

Ini juga cocok buat anak cowo karena biru identik dengan cowo

Kamar-kamar yang unik menurutku

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Dining Room Table Design Ideas

Dining with modern Italian style, really cool to make minimalist home decoration style especially when combined with molding Last Chair Poly. Bonaldo collection comes with great sofas, food and equipment and additional tables and chairs set. Design simple. sleek and elegant.
This contemporary restaurant group in merlot finish features clear tempered glass with frosted heavy sound. Design with simple materials, glass and solid wood. Committee needed more storage space with convenient wine display area. Dimensions: Dining Table: 60 “W. 36 “D 30″ H, Side Chair: 19 “W 18″ D 36 “H. Dining room furniture with contemporary design to this. Availabe at
Elite designed the modern dining table wood, metal and glass design that is simple and minimalist, no time to create more complex and relatively clear and sound structure. Dining table is available in various wood and metal to complete. measure around 48 “, 42 × 74 rectangle,” and 54 “square table and bar table 48″ table 36 “high. really well designed to bring contemporary style of the restaurant.

Modern Contemporary Kitchen Chair Design

In every home should have a chair, among other kitchen chairs, dining room chair. Here we have different style kitchen chairs and dining chairs, as the modern home furniture, kitchen chairs have a modern contemporary kitchen that you can design a kitchen with a trendy touch of style and creative design that offer a variety of bright colors and different. For example, purple, green, clear and red, suitable for the modern kitchen and contemporary

Modern Kitchen Cabinets Design 2010

Manufacturer of kitchen design Fiamberti introduce their new kitchen cabinets design trends for 2010, this kitchen without sharp edges. Rolly kitchen comes with new clothes, luxurious and hip were made to optimize the movement of free space in terms of ergonomics and safety of high aesthetic value. This kitchen is designed to provide maximum comfort while preparing food. Rolly kitchen has a range of materials, the Ebony finished giving the composition of the metropolitan fascination of ideas into the right furniture for open spaces, perfect for all who want to change their traditional kitchen into a modern contemporary style. Hope this can be your kitchen remodel ideas in 2010

Natural Contemporary Kitchen Design by Cesar

The approach of the designer Gian Vittorio Plazzogna of this kitchen is the closeness to nature. The result is an elegant combination of natural features and contemporary, will spend the best both worlds. The material for furniture and cabinets are mostly of wood with a rustic charm and distinctive patterns. Adding a bit ‘more fun into the mix, cooking Kora also retains the elegance in detail, “according to Cesar. The kitchen floor is devoid of hardware that provides extra-long extension that expands workspace and eating. Available on Cesar